
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Babies and Sleep and a Bassinet Called a SNOO

A few months ago, a PR manager from over at Happiest Baby reached out to me about trying their new bassinet called a "SNOO." A what? Yes, a SNOO. I immediately recognized the name of their company, Happiest Baby, because I had read and utilized a lot of the tips in the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" with my first son, Theodore. Turns out, the author of that book (Dr. Harvey Karp) helped develop the SNOO. Besides the fact that the bassinet looks incredibly sharp, I was so intrigued to try it out with our soon-to-be-born son, Augustine, after watching several demo video clips.

I want to say this upfront: the people at Happiest Baby did send this SNOO to me as a gift and simply asked that if we liked it, to share about it. Everything that I will say is my own opinion and is completely based on our experience with using the SNOO over the last 3-4 months. 

Also, I want to warn you that I will say "SNOO" like a million times in this post....

Theo was a relatively good sleeper at night, but he definitely had day-time colic starting at about 3-4 weeks old and lasting until he was probably 4-5 months old. Even though I was getting somewhat decent sleep at night, I was so exhausted and worn out during the day. He was rarely happy unless I was holding or wearing him. Because of that, it took me forever to heal from his birth and my back was constantly hurting. He has since been a fabulous napper since about 6 months old, so all is forgiven (wink). All of that to say,  I was very nervous about Auggie being a good sleeper, If you have ever been sleep deprived, you know that you get to a point where you are willing to try ANYTHING to get some extra sleep. Enter the SNOO.

A couple of weeks before Auggie was born, the SNOO arrived on our doorstep. Jeff and I were like little kids opening up the box and getting it set up. We were both so impressed with the design and stability of it. Turns out that's an extra good thing when you have a toddler who wants to try and climb in to see baby brother! Even with Theo hanging on the edge of the bassinet, that thing didn't budge.

The SNOO comes with three swaddles in small, medium and large. Auggie here is wearing the large size simply because he can have his arms out in this one - which he likes. The swaddle is unique in that it has flaps on either side that slip onto clips. If the swaddle isn't attached to the clips, then the SNOO will not turn on - one of the many safety features. These flaps also will keep Auggie from turning over whenever he starts doing that.

The SNOO gently rocks (or wiggles) and has soft white noise in the sleep mode, and it will move up through four different levels as it senses Auggie's crying. Each level gets a bit more intense in the wiggling and the noise actually changes to get his attention and calm him down. As he calms, the SNOO moves back down through the levels until it is in sleep mode again. In the settings, you can adjust the sleep mode so that it turns off after a bit to help with weaning and transitioning to the crib.

One of the features that I really like is that you can adjust the sensitivity of the SNOO. Auggie is a very quiet crier, so I put it on the most sensitive setting and it will move up levels with just a bit of fussing from Auggie.

One of my favorite things about the SNOO is the smart phone app that links directly to the bassinet. I can control everything from my phone. So, sometimes I will hear Auggie start to wake up prematurely from his nap and I will turn the SNOO up a level or two to help gently soothe him back to sleep. Obviously, that doesn't work if it's time for him to eat or whatever, but many times it extends his naps! I would also manually turn the SNOO up after a middle of the night feeding and it just helps him settle back in to sleep before he even starts fussing.

Auggie is now three months old and he sleeps like a champ. He has been sleeping through the night (six-ten hour stretches) since he was about five weeks old. I can honestly say that he would not be napping and sleeping at night like he does without the SNOO.

*I shouldn't even have to say this, but I will. Obviously, the SNOO is not a substitute for properly caring for and tending to the needs of your baby. It will not magically make your baby sleep through the night if he/she needs to eat etc. But, it might cut out some of those nighttime comfort feedings. I will not be discussing sleep training (unless you have positive input/questions) or debating co-sleeping vs. not co-sleeping here. These are just my thoughts and my experience with a bassinet that has helped us and Auggie get a lot more sleep. Take it or leave it, friends. 

(Happiest Baby is actually running a Father's Day sale right now through June 18th for $300 off! The code is DAD300)

I probably should not let the cat out of the bag, but I just can't help myself, so I'm going to drop a massive hint here: There just MIGHT be a giveaway that just MIGHT involve a SNOO on my instagram in a couple of months. So, if you don't follow me there, ya should (wink). Find me here (@emilysuenetz).


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  4. Discover a Surefire Method to Teach Your Child to Read

    There are many different methods and opinions on how to teach a child to read - while all are well-intentioned, some methods could actually lead to reading difficulties in children. Learning to read is a critical step towards future academic success and later on success in life. If you cannot read, you cannot succeed. There is an amazingly simple method - actually, a combination of two methods - that can teach anyone to read, even children as young as 2 and 3 years old.

    The combination of these two methods has been used in the Children Learning Reading program to successfully teach thousands of young children to read. So what are these methods?

    It is the combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness. Most have probably heard of phonics, but phonemic awareness is a concept less well known and ?it's not something you hear about often. Certainly, phonics is absolutely necessary to develop fluent reading skills; however, there are different types of phonics including embedded, analogy, analytical, and synthetic phonics. While using some type of phonics is better than not including any phonics instructions at all, you will achieve FAR BETTER results by employing synthetic phonics, which is by far the most easy and effective method for teaching reading. Multiple studies support this.

    In a 7 year study conducted by the Scottish Education Department, 300 students were taught using either analytic phonics or synthetic phonics. The results found that the synthetic phonics group were reading 7 months ahead and spelling 8 to 9 months ahead of the other phonics groups. At the end of the 7 year study, the children were reading 3.5 years ahead of their chronological age.

    Very impressive!

    Through their amazing reading program, the creators (Jim & Elena - parents of 4 children and reading teachers) have taught all of their children to read phonetically by 3 years old and have helped thousands of parents to successfully teach their children to read as well! Some are small 2 or 3 year old toddlers, others are young 4 or 5 year old preschoolers, and still others at ages 6, 7, 8 or even older.

    >> Click here to watch amazing videos of young children reading, and see the amazing results so many parents are achieving with their children.

    The Children Learning Reading program works so well that many children will achieve reading ages far ahead of their chronological age.

    Take Jim & Elena's children as an example: their oldest child, Raine, was reading phonetically at 2 years 11 months old, and by the time she entered kindergarten at 5 years old, she was reading at a grade 5 level with a reading age of 11.9 years - almost 7 years ahead of her chronological age. Their second child, Ethan, learned to read phonetically by 2 years 9 months, and at age 3, he was reading at a grade 2 level with a reading age of 7.2 years - progressing at a similarly quick pace as his older sister. Find that hard to believe? You can watch the videos posted here.

    There are many different phonics programs out there, but rarely do you ever hear a mention of phonemic awareness (PA), and PA is absolutely an equally critical component to developing reading skills in children. What makes the Children Learning Reading program so unique and amazingly effective at teaching young children is that it seamlessly combines the teaching of synthetic phonics along with phonemic awareness to enable children to develop superb reading skills.

    >>> Click here to learn more about the Children Learning Reading program and teach your child to read today
